On or off wheels, Ride the Vibe with Cycletopia Vibewear!

Cycletopia's Rad Recipes

Send it Pineapple Salmon

This savory sweet recipe is great to make after a long day of riding or if you just want to try something new to livin up the Dinner Recipe Arsenal at home! This delicious pan fried salmon dinner also gives you a good source of protein, the coconut oil is anti inflammatory and provides many other health benefits.  Pineapple has an abundance of beneficial nutrients, some may be lost when cooked, however they are still tasty!  

  • Coconut oil
  • lime juice
  • Cycletopia seasoning mix(currently not on the market)but you can try a mix of chilli powder, garlic salt, lemon pepper, parsley flakes, and cayenne pepper
  • salmon fillets
  • 1 pineapple cored and cut into rings or a can of pineapple rings

Heat up the coconut oil in a frying pan large enough for salmon and pineapple ( you'll want to use about half of the pineapple).

Season both sides of the pineapple slices and the salmon.

Fry the pineapple and salmon on both sides, Pineapples are done when the edges turn brown.

Add a splash or two of lime juice a minute before you remove the salmon from the frying pan.

Serve each fillet with a few slices of pineapple and side of choice



If you try one of our recipes please send a pic of your dish, let us know how it turned out and if you threw in a twist of your own!

Email us at: [email protected]


Mini Meatloaf with Cauliflower and Gravy (optional)

It's Winter time and you want comfort food!

I made this for the first time last night and it is so yummy!

This meatloaf will melt in your mouth!

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

For the cauliflower I used a steambag of frozen cauliflower and heated itup in the microwave after the meatloaf was done cooking ( while making the gravy)

You'll need a 13x9 Glass baking dish  or two depending on what size you make your meat loaves.  I made 4 smaller ones and one medium sized loaf.

take about 1.75 to 2 ibs of ground meat ( I usually use 80% lean or higher, for this I used 88%)

3/4 cup of plain breadcrumbs

1 large egg, 1/4 cup of organic milk

1 full cup of cooked rice,

half of a small onion chopped fine parsely,

1/2 tsp of thyme, 1tsp of hymalayan salt,

1 tsp of ground black pepper and about 1 TBSP of parsley flakes

(optional worcestershire sauce)

Mix all of the ingredients minus the rice and worcestershire sauce with your hands

then fold in the rice and mix that in 

roll loaves into desired size and place in the pan giving them about a half inch to an inch of space in between.  I think the next time I cook these I'm gong to flatten the loaves a bit more.

I sprinkled a little bit of the worcestershire sauce on top of the loaves

cover loosely with foil and cook for 40 minutes

check the meatloaf and remove the foil and let cook until the tops are slightly brown


For the Gravy

3 tblsp of clarified butter 

1/4 cup of all purpose flour

drippings from the meatloaf

one pack of onion soup mix blended into 1.5 cups of water

Strain the soup mix to get the onion pieces out ( or use beef boulian as a substitute)

add butter to a 1 quart sauce pan, met down

Add and whisk the flour in, let cook for a few minutes always whisking

Pour drippings and broth mix and let simmer on medim to low heat

Keep on whisking! 

When the gravy is at a desired consistency, turn the heat off.


Mashed potatoes would of course go great with this meal but I used the cauliflower as a potato substitute. There is already enough rice and breadcrumbs in the meatloaf for the recommended portion of carbs per meal.  Also, the cauliflower will not weigh you down as much as potatoes will and tastes great with the gravy!




Pizza Stuffed Zucchinni Green Flow

-All the satisfaction of having pizza without all the carbs!  You can enjoy this delicious Pizza enhanced Veggie and not feel so weighted down after!

You will need . . .

Zucchinni, the bigger they are the better

Olive oil or avacado oil, garlic powder or salt, and italian seasoning of choice, sometimes I just use oregano and parsley

pizza sauce of choice . I make homemade sauce 

orange, yellow or red bell pepper

one clove finely chopped garlic (optional)

pepperoni, mushrooms, black olives, or any other of your favorite pizza toppings

Cheese: Mozzarella, provalone, or shredded parmasean and Romano blend

The Awesome Sauce. . . 

Start the sauce about an hour ahead of time

Chop up the pizza toppings, garlic,  and pepper and add them to a saucepan with the sauce and let it simmer. Stir occasionally

PREHEAT OVEN : 350 degrees

Let's get Gnarley . . .

Cut the zuchinni in half longways, and scoop out the seeds to make a boat, you make want to scoop slightly past the seeds but try not to make the boat too thin so it can hold the sauce well

I keep the ( what I call) Innards for another recipe I will share after this one

mix together olive oil and seasonings in a small bowl

brush the seasoned oil mix on the inside and outside of the zuchinni and lay the empty zuchinni boats on a baking sheet

cook in the oven for 20 minutes ( you can try not precooking the boats to see if they come out a bit more sturdy)

take the zuchinni out of the oven and add a light layer of shreddded cheese of choice

Then fill it with the topping filled sauce

Top it off with more cheese

If desired throw some of the leftover toppings on top

Bake in the oven for another 20 to 25 minutes

After taking the Zuchinni out of the oven, let sit for a few minutes 

Serve and Enjoy!


Zuchinni Fritter Shredder Quiche 

Preheat Oven: 350 degrees

You will need. .

6 to 8 eggs depending on size

1 to 2 garlic cloves chopped fine

1 block of cream cheese

Sour cream or plain greek yogurt ( or mixture of both)

1 stick of butter

1 Zuchinni or yellow squash shreeded fine, and the leftover innards from the previous zuchinni pizza recipe

half of a small onion chopped fine

Hymalayan salt, ground black pepper to taste

1/4 cup of parsley flakes

Shredded colby jack or cheddar cheese

Optional( a half cup of chredded parmesean and romano blend)

1 to 2 cups of all purpose flour ( or you can try other flours and let me know how it turns out :)

I add the flour 3 to 4 heaping tblspns at a time until I get the consistency I'm looking for

Roma Tomatoes sliced thin ( optional)

Lets get gnarley. . 

Drain the shredded zuchini, you may need to squeeze it a few times to get some of the water out

to a medium sized frying pan add the butter, shredded zuchinni and leftover innards, chopped onion and garlic, half of the parsley

Let zimmer until alot of the water/moisture is cooked out of the Zuchinni 

While the zuchinni is simmering to a mixing bowl you want to add the sourcream/greek yogurt shredded cheeses, other half of the parsley flakes, salt and pepper to taste, and cream cheese

Mix with a hand mixer

In a separate bowl whisk the eggs

In a 13x9 glass baking dish add the cheese mixture, simmered zuchinni, and eggs

Stir/whisk together until well blended

Start to add the flour a little bit at a time until the batter forms a slightly firm consistency

( the more flour that you add the more fluffy/dry/cakelike it will turn out)

Gently lay the optional sliced tomatoes on top, the batter should be firm enough that they do not sink

cover with foil and bake for about 30 minutes

remove the foil and check the mixture with a toothpick, it should still be undone

put the uncovered pan back into the oven and cook for another 20 to 30 minutes, until the edges are brown

after it is done let sit for 5 to 10 minutes and cut into squares


How I like to eat them. .

I will throw a square into the toaster oven so that the edges crisp up

One brownie sized square is great for breakfast or a snack!

Sometimes I eat it with a small dollop of sour cream or greek yogurt.